*4 month check up stats: almost 17lbs and 26" long. She is greater than 95% for both weight and height. (no kidding my arms and back feel this anytime I hold her longer than 2 mintues!)
*The day Jae got her 4 month shots she went to our Sunday School cookout--what a trooper!
*Jae also was able to meet my good friends from high school--we had a mini-reunion! (as pictured)
*Jae squils ALL the time! I think she is going to be talking before she walks!
*Jae's hair still stands up in the back---but it is starting to lay down!
*No more swaddler since 3.5 months old!!! I was getting very frustrated with having to put our baby in this burrito every night. So I told Dan that when I returned from my overnight work related trip I was going to make her swaddle free. I prayed about it a few night before I left--and the night I had to spend away from her. I am not kidding---the NIGHT I returned she became swaddle free! PRAISE THE LORD!!
*She doesn't roll as much as she use to. Now she just grabs at the toys I place in front of her while she has tummy time.
*Jae slobbers ALL the time. We have to keep a bib on this girl 24/7!
*She is put down awake and falls asleep while sucking her ring and middle finger on her left hand. She stared doing this at week 13 I think.
*She sleeps 8-10 hours every night. That really hasn't changed---there was one night she slept almost 13 hours!
*She has outgrown MOST of her clothing--due to the fact her torso is super long (just like her Grammy,Grandmother,and Aunt Jill).
*She LOVES the church nursery and they LOVE her ;)!
*She is still on her schedule everyday. She wakes/eats/plays/sleeps every 3 hours--I love a girl who knows her schedule!
*She now sucks on her toes--this was HARD for me to get use to--now I think it is cute--however I am STILL germ concious so I try to wipe them off frequently with a baby wipe.

What a great post for those of us that don't get to see her everyday. Love it! Can't wait to hold that sweet girl...and see her mama and daddy, of course! Love you all!
ReplyDeleteWe need to see that girl ASAP!! I need to squeeze those thighs!! She just gets cuter and cuter every day, Janae! Addie says she needs to hold her, so check your calendar, and maybe we can meet halfway for dinner?? I have a box of clothes as a bribe . . . :)
ReplyDeleteLove you guys!
I'm with Sarah - the thigh photos are priceless! Someday she's going to feel so slim, just looking at what they used to look like. It was wonderful getting time with you three this past weekend, and hearing those squeals for ourselves! BTW her feet cant be that dirty since she doesnt walk yet, right?
ReplyDeleteShe is TOO CUTE!! :)
ReplyDeleteLove this post! That girl is super duper cute!!
ReplyDeleteShe and Presley sound exactly the same!!! She is so cute!!! I can't wait to meet her!!!