My husband graduated with his MBA last Friday!!! We calculated that he had been in school for 20 years straight!! He had been planning on starting his doctorate as soon as he graduated--that has now been put on hold until further notice--and I am THANKFUL for this!!! The Taylor's, my family, and Dan's parents were all there to watch him walk. Thankfully I didn't go into labor during or before this occasion! We are all so proud of his accomplishment--not just because he has his masters---but because he has had a very long 3 years attaining this degree. We are involved in Apartment Life--which takes approx. 70 hours per month, I was laid off then hired back this year, plus we are a close family and like to spend as much time with them as we can, we are expecting our first child this year, and we have to fit in fun time in there some where!! It's just been a long year for Dan and we are VERY proud of him!! Not to mention--his GPA was fabulous. I love that I married a hot Christian nerd! Dan's parents flew in to help celebrate--so we were able to go to his sister Sarah's house for an early Christmas. It's so nice to be around young kids at Christmas---they were so giddy about their gifts--I loved seeing there sweet faces!! So our weekend went as follows: Dan graduated, dinner with friends and family, Saturday breakfast with Dan's parents, full day at World Aquarium, dinner at Kirby's with Dan's parents to celebrate Dan, Sunday School Christmas party, Sunday=Gibson family Christmas. Long weekend but full of fun!!! Enjoy the pictures--and they are not in order-seriously is anything in order in our lives right now--no!!!!

Ok--so in the middle of the graduation it was around 3:30 and I had not eaten lunch--I look down the row and Don (Dan's dad) saved me some crackers!! I ate them in about 5 minutes! Haha--not the most appropriate thing to do at the graduation--but I was starving!

I'm impresse you got these up so fast - mine are still on the camera - loved every single minute of being there with all of you and already miss all of you. oxoxo